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![]() JOSÉ PAULOS PAES Poeta e tradutor |
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![]() LÊDO IVO
Escritor |
![]() ANGELA-LAGO Escritora e Ilustradora |
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Escritor |
![]() Um dos personagens da história, o Sr. Jorges, vive todas as aventuras com os meninos e os ajuda a conhecer homens e mulheres importantes para a nossa cultura através dos livros de sua imensa biblioteca; entre esses ilustres estão Fernando Pessoa, Rimbaud e Emily Dickinson. O escritor de O encanto da lua nova com certeza é um grande conhecedor da cultura universal e aproxima seus leitores de intelectuais que passaram pelo mundo deixando uma grande contribuição. Há referências a textos de Pessoa, Edgard Allan Poe e Santo Agostinho, o que incita certa curiosidade nos jovens que leem o livro. A história é interessante e engraçada e, por isso mesmo, fácil de agradar a todos que decidirem saboreá-la. Além disso, Alonso Alvarez prova que é possível não deixar de lado a fantasia ao elaborar histórias que se passam em grandes centros urbanos, ambiente que se aproxima do cotidiano de seus leitores. NATHALIA COSTA ESTEVES
Professora Do estudo NARRATIVA INFANTO-JUVENIL BRASILEIRA CONTEMPORÂNEA: MÚLTIPLAS FACES DO MERCADO EDITORIAL por Nathalia Costa Esteves e Alice Áurea Penteado Martha Apresentado na 60ª Reunião Anual da SBPC ![]() | Clique para ver o estudo completo | |
![]() CAMILA MORAES Baú do Leitor | VER MAIS... |
Então, o enredo se passa num condomínio de um prédio inusitado - o mesmo não possui o 11º andar (o elevador passa do 10º direto para o 12º) e há uma biblioteca "mágica" que toma conta de um andar inteiro, nela há muitos labirintos onde os grandes escritores fazem "real" morada.
É nesse ambiente que um grupo de amigos composto por Turista, Band-Aid, Ri, Treze, Contra, e Lupicínio (o cachorro) vão passar pelas maiores aventuras de suas vidas e arrastar com eles o zelador e o síndico, além das garotas que acabam se metendo nessa trama, direta ou indiretamente. Tudo se inicia quando Turista por acaso encontra o andar inexistente do prédio e divide sua experiência com os amigos, depois disso a vida deles nunca mais volta ao normal, é uma peripécia atrás de outra... Os amigos de Turista resolvem apurar esse caso, pois a história do garoto não faz o menor sentido, mas a forma como foi contada acaba despertando os estímulos dos garotos em descobrir e tirar a prova da existência dessa tal "Fada" ou "Bruxa" (vai saber...) que habita em um andar que não existe, anda pelada e possui uma aranha gigante como companheira, do velho cego que armazena livros e mais livros em uma parte enorme do prédio... Cara, isso é muito louco! A partir de então as coisas do prédio viram uma zona, e sobra para o zelador e para o pobre do síndico! Os garotos vivem experiências únicas e inesquecíveis. Apesar de narrar todas essas coisas totalmente inusitadas, o autor consegue dar um sentido para o ocorrido e durante o texto há trechos que fazem o leitor pensar na vida, nos sonhos, na amizade, na verdadeira infância. O mais legal é que no meio de todas essas armações dos garotos há um ensinamento, um porquê para a "Lua Nova" e seu encanto. O autor prende o leitor do inicio ao fim, e acredito que essa capacidade na escrita é a prova de que a leitura foi proveitosa e eu senti isso! Super indico "O Encanto da Lua Nova' Boa leitura! Espero que gostem da dica. | FECHAR | |
![]() Desisti das opiniões e fui sentindo. Arrependi-me por não ter sentido antes, mas não queria voltar à leitura, queria logo saber o que viria e fui lendo num tapa." TEREZA RANDO | VER MAIS... |
Comecei a ler como quem vai apenas ler e, em alguns momentos, me vinham opiniões que logo deixavam de fazer sentido.
Desisti das opiniões e fui sentindo. Arrependi-me por não ter sentido antes, mas não queria voltar à leitura, queria logo saber o que viria e fui lendo num tapa. Sorri muitas vezes, de sorrisos vários e o tempo todo eu sentia falta. Falta de alguém pra ler junto, alguém especial. Pensei numa pessoa especial e comecei uma música, que tem uma pinta de música eletrônica (irc!) e perigas nunca virar nada. Se virar mesmo música, te mostro. Fiquei muito mexida, muito emocionada quando Treze se virou todo em rosas vermelhas. Todo o tempo tudo era poesia, mas, nesse trecho, a carga afetiva foi tanta... Não é mesmo infantil o seu livro. Não subestima a adolescência e nem faz do contato com a literatura algo enfadonho, com viés didático. Muito doce, cheio de sentidos, pleno de uma fantasia que não corrompe a natureza dos personagens. Tudo aquilo podia ser. Lendo seu livro, acho até que foi. Vendo que estava terminando, eu ia ficando meio só, mas inteira doce. Daí entendi umas coisas e fui beijar a Má. Você escreve bem pacas e seu texto me tocou. SEGUNDO E-MAIL | 2006 Alonso... Encantado é vc! Ontem o primeiro haikai que apareceu pra Má, na Caixa de Haikais, foi seu. O rosto dela ficou iluminado e ela achou que devíamos te mandar e-mail contando. Antes de ler esse seu email, eu preparava umas fotos pra te mostrar. Não tive tempo durante a semana porque tentávamos comprar uma casa. Fotos prontas, coloco a Má pra dormir, abro a caixa postal pra te mandar notícias e vc já me adivinhava... Eu nem acho que uma imagem valha mais que mil palavras, como dizem, mas queria que vc nos visse. São fotos da gente lendo juntas o Encanto. Avançamos sobre o livro com avidez, no final de semana passado, depois nos arrependemos e decidimos voltar atrás. A Má, hoje ao acordar, me olhou bem séria e disse : "Eu não quero terminar de ler esse livro rápido como fiz com Judy Moody.", e me deu explicação que outro dia ela te conta. Combinamos lê-lo juntas, saboreando as referências que vc suavemente espalha pelo livro. Legal isso, vc não impôs as referências com arrogância, deixou-as por lá, assim, de um jeito leve, pra quem quiser. A Marina fala muito dos personagens. Se comove, emociona. Comentou sensibilizada a origem do Ri. Me lembro de ter sentido, da outra vez que li e agora tb, essa sensação de estar próxima dos meninos, de que, apesar de todo encanto ocasionando coisas improváveis, tudo parece absolutamente possível. Sabe que dá vontade de ser um deles? É envolvente! Fiquei tentando entender como funcionavam as coisas na sua cabeça, tantos personagens e todos eles com seus universos bem definidos e detalhados. Vc não fica nem um pouco admirado, não? Vamos voltar e retomar a leitura à partir da cena em que Treze se torna rosa. É o trecho do livro que eu jamais esqueci. Intenso, poético e tão singelo! Sei lá... milhares de coisas eu vou achando do livro. Mais sentindo que achando. Se não te aborrecer, vou dando conta aos poucos. Sinto como se me lançasse ao livro a cada vez que o abro. Ah! Não sei se te contei como foi especial abrir o livro com a Má. Acho que é essa atmosfera que a gente quer prolongar. Cada página é um acontecimento. Meu, dela e pra sempre seu. Beijo | FECHAR | |
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![]() CHRISTIANE ANGELOTTI Escritora e Editora |
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Professora |
[ Abrir todas as resenhas | Fechar todas as resenhas ] |
Versão: Larissa Rumiantzeff THE NEW MOON SPELL
"About the never imagined adventure that Trip and his friends experienced when they found the 11th floor, which did not exist on the building, where lived Annabel, the beautiful sorceress, prisoner of a spell." 1
- This is so far-fetched, Trip! You are making it up. I know you… - It's true, Band-Aid. It happened just like I'm telling you… I mean, I might have exaggerated a bit in a few parts… - Which part? - The one where that massive spider climbed up my leg... - It didn't? - Rich objected- But that was my favorite part! - No! Of course it didn't. Have you ever seen an animal climb up a pissed leg? - You wet your pants?! - Thirteen asked. - And when I am scared, my pee stinks real bad. The spider ran away like this! Everyone laughed. - But it gets better. - Trip continued. - The massive spider ran away and I stood there, looking. It ran past two legs and hid behind them, like Lupicinio does, sometimes; peeking at me through those legs, frightened... | READ MORE... |
- Woof, woof! - Lupicinio protested.
- And then I looked up, very slowly. First, I saw those beautiful legs… Gorgeous, gorgeous! Just like Thirteen's mom's... - Leave my mother out of it! - Thirteen objected. - Gorgeous, gorgeous indeed! And then I looked at those knees, the thighs…That's right, those legs went on forever, and I looked up, never blinking for one moment. I just couldn't stop staring. I looked up, slowly, until I saw that, right in the middle of her thighs... - That?! - They all exclaimed. - You saw that? - That's right! I saw that! In the middle of her thighs…So hairy. I had never seen one like that! - Yeah! Like you have ever seen one? - Contra smirked. - Did too, from afar! On my binoculars, I saw a lot on the other buildings. Even Thirteen's mom's I´ve seen, when she walks around naked in her apartment... - I´m warning you to leave my mother out of this - Thirteen insisted. - I kept looking up, slowly… I´d look back at that, sometimes, but my eyes went up until it stopped at her boobs…... - Breasts! - Band-Aid corrected him. - Right. Two gorgeous breasts. Just Gorgeous! Not too big or too small, but gorgeous, with red tips... - Nipples! - Band-Aid corrected him again. - Yeah. Very red ones! And then my eyes go up, but always going back to take a peek at that, and at her breasts. Then I look at her face, her eyes: black eyes, a little hidden behind her long, loose hair, staring at me, not blinking... - And then? - Thirteen asked. - Then she smiled at me... she stood there, staring and smiling. - What about the spider? - Band-Aid wanted to know. - It climbed up the woman, to her shoulder. She pulled her hair to one side and the spider stood there, looking at me. The woman kissed it and said: "Don't be afraid, Beatriz. It's just a boy." And what a voice, she has! What a voice! - Ugh! ? Contra said. ? Kissing a spider! - Woof, Woof! - Lupicinio barked, in agreement. - And then she pointed at a couch. ? Trip went on ? She asked me to sit down. With that voice, I did as she said, on the spot. The light was dim, and then she sat down on another couch, between two torches, that lit up, all of a sudden, lighting up her whole body, with her crossed legs…And she was like that, staring all the time, with those black eyes… I made to leave. She asked me not to. And then she asked my name. I replied. She told me hers, smiling: "Annabel". - And then, what happened? - Band-Aid asked. - She kept looking at me, and smiling, making me awkward. She was like that forever. And then she said she was going to show me some magic. She lifted her arm, opened her hand, and closed it very slowly… - Go on - Rich asked. - Not now! I gotta go to the toilet. I have to pee! Trip got up and left the room. - I bet he is just buying some time to make up the rest of the story - Band-Aid remarked. - I don't think so - Contra disagreed. - He has not missed a detail so far. - If it is true, I too want to meet this woman - Rich said. - How? - Band-Aid asked back. - The 11th floor only exists in Trip's imagination. On this building, the elevator skips the floor, from the 10th to the 12th, It's no use pushing 11... I bet he was just daydreaming again... - It does too! I've been there! The 11th floor does exist! I saw it! - Trip yelled, back from the toilet, zipping up his pants. - I hope, for your sake, that you haven't wet the toilet, Trip! - Band-Aid said. - Do you think I don't know that you like to get away from the toilet seat, to see how far the jet goes? - No way! Everyone knows I´m unbeatable pissing at the distance. I can knock down even empty cans. - Keep telling us about the dream. ? Thirteen asked him. - It was no dream! If it was a dream, do you think it would be so cool? What happened to me, did happen, for real! I was awake, and very much awake, mind you, had my eyes wide open… Here's what happened. I climbed on the elevator to push all the buttons and I pushed the 11... - But you are scared to death of elevators - Rich reminded him. - Listen to me! Will you listen? I was going to go to Thirteen's apartment, and I saw the elevator door open. I thought it was someone arriving with shopping bags, and I went in to check it out… You can always nick a chocolate bar, or a bag of cookies…You know? In the fuss of helping someone with the bags, you can put something in your pocket… But no one was there! And then I got that uncontrollable itch on my finger… - I see! - Band-Aid scoffed. - What can I do? It's like a disease, I cannot resist an elevator button... - Ok! Go on, Trip - Contra asked. - So... Then I took the opportunity to push all the buttons! That's when I pushed 11. Only I didn't have time to get out of the elevator. The door closed, suddenly, and the elevator only stopped there... - On the 11th floor?! - Thirteen asked. - Right! So, I thought to myself, It´s been so long since I last rode the elevator that they could have built the 11th floor and never have let me know. Maybe you could only get there by elevator, because they had not fixed the building stairway… - What a jackass! -Band-Aid cut through. - I cannot believe what I'm listening to! - What did you want me to think? There I was, at a floor that never existed before... - Go on, Trip - Thirteen asked. - Where was I? - At the floor that never existed before... - Contra reminded him. - Then... I was a little suspicious as I got out of the elevator. I looked at the hall and all I saw was a door... - Only one?! - Rich asked, amazed. - Just one! A very wide and tall door, made of thick wood, screeching, full of cobwebs, at the end of the hallway… - Screeching? Cobwebs? - Thirteen asked, scared. - Ok! I exaggerate! It was not screeching, and it didn't have cob... - Stop making it up, Trip! - Band-Aid yelled. - And then you went up there and knocked at the door? - Rich guessed. - Sure! As long as I was there, might as well do it. But I didn't even have to! When I approached the door, it opened by itself... - By itself! - Contra exclaimed. - Yeah! And then, since it was open, I entered... That's when I ran into the massive spider... - You´ve told us that already -Thirteen interrupted him. - Go on from where you stopped, at the magic trick. - So... She was sitting there, across from me, between two lit torches, staring at me and smiling... Then she opened and closed her hand, very slowly, looking at me the entire time and, in front of me, on a little table, appeared a chocolate cake covered with cherries... Can you believe that? I love cherries! - And then? - Contra asked. - And then?... Then I ate the whole cake, every cherry and, when I burped, I was no longer there, but sitting on the stairway steps, between the 9th and the 10th floor. - You mean you find a floor that doesn't exist, you enter an apartment that doesn't exist, you find a long haired naked lady that never existed, with a spider on her shoulder, and then, you devour, all by yourself, a chocolate and cherry cake, and then you just burp?! - Band-Aid said, indignantly, covering his head with both hands and messing his own hair even more. - But... - Thirteen completed, excited about the tale. - But if she can make a chocolate cake appear out of the blue, then she is a sorceress, isn't she? - Of course! -Trip agreed, without thinking twice and happy about the new friend he had just made. - This is so far-fetched! - Band-Aid said. - Whatever! - Contra said, fascinated about Trip's narrative. - But if this story is true, if this lady does exist, and if she is really a sorceress, then, this is awesome! - I think so too! -Thirteen agreed. - I just wish she could help us with the building manager issue... - Woof woof! - Lupicinio agreed, wagging his tail. - Good idea! - Trip agreed, instantly. - That's right! Let's go right now and ask Annabel to do a little magic trick. Maybe she'll turn him into a frog... - A frog?! - Thirteen interrupted. - You can only turn a prince into a frog. Don't you know the story? - Then a slug! - Trip went on. - That would fit him. - Or a flea! - Rich suggested. - Woof woof! - Lupicinio protested, facing Rich and showing his fangs. - That's right, Lupicinio - Rich conceded, patting the dog's head. - Not a flea. If that dumbass turned into a flea, and jumped at you... He would just love it! - Woof! - Lupicinio agreed. - That's right! Great idea! - Trip complimented Rich. - Woof, woof! - Lupicinio argued. - No! Not a flea! - Trip explained. - But a donkey! Since he is an ass already, it seems only fair to make it legitimate. - No! - Band-Aid protested. - Don't you know it is inhuman to keep a donkey on a building? The poor thing wouldn't fit in the elevator or climb up and down the stairs. And everyone would soon realize... - Why, we could say that the building manager has put on a little weight, that he always did look like an ass, but no one realized it before he gained weight... - It is inhuman! - Band-Aid insisted. - I like the slug idea better - Rich said. - Come to think of it, me too - Trip conceded. - I'd love to salt that slug... - It's inhuman! - Band-Aid insisted. - What the heck, everything is inhuman! - Trip complained. - So, we could think of a "thing" - Contra suggested. - A "thing"?! - Rich asked, puzzled. - Yeah! - Band-Aid agreed, getting the idea. - That way we wouldn't offend any animal species. - What "thing"? - Thirteen asked. - Anything! - Trip said, excited and full of ideas - Let's use our imagination: a lightning rod, a potty... a potty! That's it! It would be great! - I like the lightning rod - Thirteen said. - If nobody else has any other ideas, let's vote on it: lightning rod or potty? Majority wins... - Contra suggested. - A lamp post! - Rich suggested at the last moment. - Woof, woof! -Lupicinio agreed, at once. 2
On that same afternoon, they headed out to find the 11th floor. They went up and down the elevator so many times, from the 1st to the 15th floor, that no one else could use it. - What do you mean I can't? - An old man complained, at the ground floor, as he held the door, carrying several shopping bags. - Maximum capacity is then people, and there are only five boys and this mutt... - Woof woof! - Lupicínio complained, showing his fangs. - I have to go in. I live on the 14th floor- the old man insisted. - Woof, woof! - Lupicinio threatened him, barking louder and advancing towards the man, who quickly closed the door. This time the elevator went again to the 15th floor. It never stopped on the 11th. If someone wanted in to go down, they would only let them until the 10th floor. In one of those trips, the elevator stopped on the 12th floor: - What do you want, ma'am? - Band-Aid asked, holding the door ajar. - What do you mean, what do I want?! I want to go down, brat! Open the door... - No can do! - What do you mean, no can do? - It's going up! - Up?! Boy, I know that the elevator is going down... - Defective controls, ma'am. We have informed the building manager, but he couldn't care less. He even scorned: "Let them use the stairway. It is healthy for fat ladies!" - Is that so?! He had the guts to say that?! Who does he think he is? I'm fetching him right now... When someone insisted and got on the elevator, they would make sure they shortened the person's trip. On one particular time: - How come you are holding your noses? - the man asked, bothered and sniffing around. A second later, a stench took over the elevator. At a corner, with a swollen, red face, Trip would whistle, looking up, pretending nothing happened. - This is not possible... - The man said, unable to understand, covering his nose with a handkerchief. - Someone farted in here! I can't stand it! - And immediately he stepped out of the elevator. They would stop on the next floor, open the elevator door and wait until the air inside was breathable again. - This one was way off! - Contra said. - Even I couldn't stand it anymore! - Woof, woof, woof! - Lupicinio agreed, lying on the floor, fanning his snout with his tail. The elevator went up and down, never stopping on the floor that didn't exist, the eleventh floor, even with Rich pushing the button every time, until he said, discouraged and worried: - This 11th floor better show up soon, or else the building manager himself will show. And then, we better watch out! We have sent so many people after him that soon, he is coming after us! - And I think this goddamn 11th floor doesn't exist - Band-Aid said, his face on the elevator window. - Trip must have been daydreaming again! Trip was crouched down on a corner. - I think he is going to end up sick in here - Thirteen warned them, after looking at Trip from up close. - He is not well. He is looking all white and... Thirteen stopped there. Trip could not hold it anymore, even covering his mouth with both hands, he started puking. Contra opened the door on the next floor. 3
- What a mess! - Rich said, closing the door behind him. - If you barf in my apartment, you're gonna get some! - Band-Aid yelled over his shoulder. Trip went straight for the bathroom, both hands still covering his mouth. When he returned, he asked Rich for some gum. - I don't know how can you eat so much -Band-Aid said. - I have never seen anything like that: spaghetti, cabbage, chicken, polenta, cream cheese, fries, pork chop, tangerine, grape, popcorn, cucumber, mayonnaise, fish, chayote, eggs, yoghurt, cherry, and something I could not tell what it was... - Toasted Pigskin! -Trip informed him. - I told ya! This idea of riding the elevator up and down and fart nonstop was not gonna work! - Did you take a look at the lady with the pizza? -Rich recalled, laughing. - she kept sniffing it, suspicious,thinking that the smell was from the pizza... I´ll bet she threw the pepperoni away as soon as she got out of the elevator. - What about that guy who was all flushed? -Thirteen smirked. - I´ll bet he had farted too, but quieter, softer, and thought he had gotten carried away. He did hang on tightly until the 8th floor! He was embarrassed to death! - I wish I could see the building manager's face when he sees all that mess- Rich said. - And I want to know Who is going to have the guts to clean that up - Band-aid said, making a disgusted face. - See! The stench is getting to here! - and got up to close the living room window. - It must be still warm! -Trip said, jokingly. - That would make quite a meal! Are you up, Lupicinio? I heard dogs love to lick that stuff up. Lupicínio started feeling sick. He got dizzy, pale, his eyes rolling, he was nearly fainting. The boys opened the door and carried him to the hallway to breath in a little fresh air. When he recovered, he ran down the stairway. The boys walked back to the apartment. - And all because I believed this absurd story- Band-Aid said. - Look!... I have noodles in my sneakers! - It´s not made up! It was no dream! -Trip got mad. - The 11th floor does exist, and so does the lady, and the massive spider! I saw them! The buzzer went off. It was Marina. Band-Aid was stunned, as he heard what she had to say. Everyone was looking for the manager. The man disappeared without a trace. They called the cops and some residents clustered at the building entrance. The caretaker sat by the telephone and said he would not leave that place until he heard from the kidnappers. The last time the building manager had been seen, was crossing the street in front of the building. He vanished, right in front of Dirce, a lady that lived in the floor, who shrieked, passed out and, delusional and in shock, muttered something noone could understand: "So he grew taller and taller... And stretched and stretched..." Band-Aid told the others. Lupicínio walked in, barking out loud along the hallway. Contra opened the door. Lupicínio walked in the apartment, leaping, jumping on the sofa, on the chairs, doing flips, wagging his tail, barking, as happy as he could be. He leaped to the window, put his snout out, looked down and started barking. The boys approached him. They looked and looked, and looked some more, in vain. Lupicinio kept on barking, He wanted to show something to them. Thirteen found out. He pointed down, bewildered: over there, right in front of the building, dug into the sidewalk, there was a brand new lightpole, and a pidgeon was already perched on it. Their eyes lowered even more. They stopped on the floor and, surrounding that new pole, there was Lupicinio´s wet, fresh wee, dripping down. Lupicinio barked: happy as he could be, too happy. 4
They decided to look for Mr. Jorges. Mr. Jorges was a blind old man who loved books. His entire apartment -which was not small, since it occupied the entire 10th floor - was filled by shelves, countless shelves, with book piles that went from the floor to the ceiling, which started at the entrance door and scattered, and took turns and entered the countless rooms of the apartment. The boys did not know all the corners of that book maze. They had heard tales of people that gotten lost there, who had been found weeks later, reciting verses of the Divine Comedy, and whole stanzas from Cervantes. That afternoon, they let Lupicínio sniff after Mr. Jorges along the tortuous ways between the shelves, and found him in a room, in front of an open window, on a chair, recalling three gifts he had gotten, as a child, when he opened a volume of the Enciclopédia Britânica on dr and find the words druid, druse and Drummond: - "If you look carefully, you will find not the (doubtful) explanation of life, but the (unexplainable) poetry of life." 1 - the old man smiled as he remembered. - Oh boy! -Trip exclaimed, not understanding a thing. - Woof, woof! -Lupicínio barked in agreement. - Well, well, my friends, the great poet was right! Look at me here before this wall. This old blind man hás long forgotten the colors of the day, But I can feel him now, touching me, walking in this room, reaching me on this chair and giving me a long, warm hug that smells like the twilight, bidding farewell, for him, the restless day, is off to somewhere over the horizon, leaving me to a night hungry for stars such as this very night, which darkens my eyes forever more... This, I would say, is the unexplainable poetry if life... - I don't get it!... - Trip let out a sigh. - You would give anything to see again, and you can't. Band-Aid can see, but he wont. He walks around all the time, his glasses dirty and smudged, tripping around and knocking over stuff... If you could only see... It is sad, really! He walks around full of patches on his body, dripping medicine... - That's my problem! -Band-Aid shot back. - You better change the subject... - Here, here! - the old man tried to calm them down. - If we can't see things, they know of us, they see us. No, no, darkness does not bother me, for I can feel things around me, looking at me. I admit that, at first, it disturbed me. Today, I might hesitase, in case I had to choose between seing or feeling the nightfall... The glance, oh, the glance, if we don't pay attention, it looks through things, across them, and sometimes does not notice them... Soneone once said that "our eyes love the beauty and diversity of shapes, the spark and the softness of colors... Our eyes are restless, unlike the voices of the singers, which get to fall silent, sometimes..." 2 So, to whom do I owe this rest my eyes have been giving me for years now? Perhaps Band-Aid is seeking the same kind of rest... | CLOSE | |
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